Research shows 70% of girls struggle with low self-esteem. Note: I've never met a girl in that other 30%.

Dr. Lauren

This all-new program is designed to increase your sense of self and fight off all the fraudulent feels in just 10 steps.

It’s science-based education that will empower you to stop falling prey to imposter syndrome—for good.

Feeling like a fake causes many of us to play it safe. We doubt ourselves and hesitate reaching for our most ambitious dreams.  

Fake that! You’re the real THIS. 

With each step, you’ll get…

✔A science-based strategy (spoiler alert: this means it’s been proven to work)

✔A set of worksheets to put what you’re learning into practice

✔A suggested BREATHER to allow the information to sink in

Does this require commitment? Yes. 

Will it be worth it? Yes.

Come on, let’s get serious about our true selves this fall!

Note that this curriculum adheres to the NOT THERAPY privacy policy and terms of use.

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